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sunrise over mountain pines

Information for Counselors

Dear Counselor,

We appreciate your help in making our program possible. Your role this week is vital, and how you carry out your responsibilities will affect the students' experience. The following information will guide you as you take on the task of counseling a group of students.

The primary purposes of American Outdoor Christian Education are:

  1. To study science concepts in nature's classroom.

  2. Develop awareness and appreciation for the natural environment and its delicate balance.

  3. Develop a sense of responsibility and cooperation through group living and learning.

  4. Develop an understanding of self-worth and the worth of others.

Our job is to take care of the details and program so that you can spend the week focusing on your students. Your involvement is essential to our program's success.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel." 
- Maya Angelou

At AOE, we believe this statement describes an important aspect of our program. Treating each student with respect and as an adult. As a counselor, we encourage you to engage students during classes, cabin time, activities, and meals.

While outdoor schools are conducted at camps, the program is considered school. Students are expected to conduct themselves just like they would on their own campus. This means we don't allow pranking, food-eating competitions, etc. There will be many recreational activities for students to participate in.

We understand that diet is important to parents. To meet the requests of schools, we keep sugar to a minimum. Please don't bring an excess of sugar products for students. Ask your school leadership any questions you have concerning these products. Snack Shops or Coffee Shops are open for guests at certain camp facilities. During those occasions, the school administration will determine the limit for students (usually one drink and one candy).

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