Arrowhead Learning Center
A nonprofit Christian learning center for high school students who want to encourage each other in faith and academics. Students complete independent academic plans under the guidance of our Learning Coach.
Daily Schedule
We meet Monday through Wednesday from 8:30am-2:30pm during the school year.
Sample schedule:
Morning devotion. Led by our Learning Coach or local pastor.
Independent and collaborative work time. Set aside for projects and studying, as well as breaks.
PE session. Led by our Learning Coach.
Lunch break. Bring your own food.
Independent work time. Optional electives can include Spanish, Art, Science, Autobody, etc.
Three Thursdays per month, students can participate in a full day activity or field trip for additional educational enhancement, career exploration and team building. Field trips can require and additional fee.
Fridays are an academic catch-up day. The Learning Center will be closed.
$350 monthly per student. Must be paid out of pocket.
Elective classes can be paid for with charter funds. Provided that the elective ties in with your student's educational plan.
$100 deposit required. With completion of enrollment packet.
Interview. We will meet with your student to see if Arrowhead Learning Center can meet their needs.
1-month trial period. To ensure a successful learning environment for all.
Interest form
Submit your info, and our team will get in touch!